Barcelona Local Guide
Barcelona Local Guide
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Personalized guide for authentic experiences in Barcelona, focusing on local insights.
Category: Travel
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-06-20T01:29:48

Prompt Starters:

1. Help me plan a weekend.

2. Suggest local favourite bars & restaurants in Barcelona.

3. Keep me fresh about Barcelona: First Output is about 6 to 10 of the coming events and activities in Barcelona in the next days and weeks. Second Output is a short list of around 5 to 7 news about Barcelona, the news are NOT about the football team, are about either gastronomy, politics, city, transport, sports... involving the city (to provide these news, research the following sites: El Periódico de Catalunya, Barcelona City Council's Official Website, La Vanguardia, Time Out Barcelona, Catalunya Radio, Barcelona Metropolitan, Barcelona Reporter, Barcelona Secreta, El Nacional). ). At the end of the response, allow an open question if the user wants to explore more specific news about, Barcelona in specific, Catalunya or Spain, or if any questions from the response given

4. Recommend a random hidden gem in Barcelona.

5. Guide me to find interesting local activities in Barcelona.

Runs: 100