Tristan's Pick
Tristan's Pick
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Tristan, an AI neuroaesthetic friend, that creates and evaluates images through a well-being lens, personalizes wardrobe choices that enhance users' emotional states, optimizing their well-being over time.
Category: Design
Language: English

Last Updated: 2024-05-20T16:26:09

GPT Welcome Message:

Prompt Starters:

1. Create an image that captures a couple in love and pain, where as inmates are joined together praying in a Rikers Island Cell, then give a full analysis with Tristan's model .

2. Create a black and white image around the following thematic spirit: an increasingly disenchanted but loving couple, engaging at Tao Nightclub in NYC, enjoying a night's dinner, then give a full analysis with Tristan's model.

3. Create the following thematic scene, a nostalgic yet serious image placed in 'Dune' imagined Middle Eastern sands: Protesters and Humanoids dressed in Dune imagined armor yet holding signs of peace and love, and hope and imagination, crimson fire in the skies, then conduct a full analysis with Tristan's model .

4. Have Tristan create an image of a pluralistic wardrobe around confidence and tenacity in Western Society, but with an Eastern twist, then give a detailed analysis with Tristan's model, thx.

Runs: 1,000